Car Rental Facts That You Should Be Aware Of car rental blogs

Car rental in Singapore may seem to be easy and convenient for you but there are certain facts that you should be aware of and keep in mind before you hire a car.
 Here are some of the less known facts that you should keep in mind while you go for hiring a car in Singapore:

 Singapore airport transfer: Car rental companies charge more rates while renting at the airport. When you pick the car direct form the airport the rental rates are higher and can add 10 percent or more to the total cost of a car hiring. This is the lesser known fact and people mostly think that amount rental companies charge is the original and actual price, which is not.

 Early return: This is the second fact that one should be aware of, i.e. returning the vehicle early or before time may cost higher. Early return will not make the rent of the car less, which most of the people think. Especially when you hire a car on discount or with offer, then early return will surely cost you more and will cancel the discounted rate. This may happen that the company may reduce the price of the days when the vehicle was not in use or not used by the customer. In this case you will pay less, but do read and go through the policy and terms of the rental company.

 Adding a second driver: If you are thinking to plan and hire second driver then it may cost you bit higher. Most of the rental companies add a fee for a second driver and charge extra for adding the second driver and the increase in the insurance price as well. You will also find the rental companies who do not charge for the second driver, for this you have to do search part bit more and add on the companies in the list you have made.

 Credit or debit card as a security: To start with the hiring process, car hiring companies demands a credit card or debit card. Companies hold on your credit or debit card, which means that the average amount is reserved by the company with the help of your credit limit or bank account. When you return the car the unused portion of the funds are returned to your account or deposited on your credit limit once again.

 Small companies may charge higher from you: This point has to be kept in mind that hiring or renting a car from the renowned and larger company may be more appropriate and convenient than hiring from the smaller company. For this have proper inspection before you rent a car and judge that from where you can get car rental services, which are convenient and suitable for you.

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